Purpose, Strategic Priorities and Culture

Clarifying your reason for existence, your Telos, achieves many fundamental goals. It unifies your people through shared buy-in to a meaningful and important purpose; it helps people to make choices and stay focused on the things that matter; and it maximises an organisation’s chance of achieving its commercial goals.

At Telos, we guide teams, departments and organisations through a rigorous yet adaptable process to:

  • Understand their reason for existence through the clarification of their Purpose Statement.

  • Identify what they need to be good at to optimise the achievement of their purpose through the development of Strategic Priorities.

  • Clarify and communicate the behaviours they expect from their people in pursuing their Purpose and Strategic Priorities through shared Values and Culture.

When individuals are unified by a mutual purpose, aligned on strategic priorities, and committed to a shared Values system and Culture, powerful wheels of progress are set in motion.